Thursday, April 28, 2011


human airplanes

Plane tickets plane tickets, we got our plane tickets, weeeee!!  The start date is now official--August 27th.  We will be flying from Asheville into Los Angeles, where we'll shack up with an old friend for the night.  We've already been in cahoots talking with a nearby bike shop, so it looks as if we'll ship our bikes to L.A., fly our happy little selves separate from the bikes, and upon an airport pickup from The Lovely Ol' Friend, we'll head straight to the bike shop to unpack the bikes and start putting them back together.  Yippee Kye Aye!!  The next morning we'll either catch a train or bus up to Santa Barbara, find the nearest ocean wave, dip the wheels in, and take off.   Zoom Zoom.
It's all getting closer and closer.

airplane noises included

In other news, Vicky and I just got our handlebar bags today, complete with map and tea cup
holders--the latter an Essential for early morning pedaling.  Gore also sent us a few more things: jerseys and shorts and rain pants; they have been so so good to us.  Our front racks are also on the way, leaving the last major equipment issue--deciding on rear panniers.

We also wanted to give a quick little thanks to our constant supporters.  Our Liberty Bicycles folks continue to check in with us and ask us how things are unfolding.  We also received some more donations on my birthday--thanks to Everyone for all the forms of support and encouragement. 

Warm breezes of spring-scented air,
Vicky and Dawn

(special thanks to photographer Coach Kevin)


  1. what excitement!!
    i will follow you as you go. if you need my help in any way, lmk-roy
    private email

  2. Messer Roy... Who are you and what are you doing with your life?

  3. squatting a ton of domain names, apparently...
