Gazing out the's warm here on the inside but chilly, wet, and drippy out there. Good day for some blogtime.
Things have been a little chaotic lately. Vicky has been Bam Boom Ka-Cha-ing her house. Renovations and remodeling that begins with mad demolitions and a completely altered lifestyle. I have been packing boxes packing boxes, moving, cleaning, boxes boxes boxes. Today is my first day in my new home, so now the process reverses, peel back the tape, pull things out of the boxes. Domestic disarray for us both. Foundations for something better though.
And still the dreams of The Tour. I am excited to share that only two weeks into this thing and we have already raised over $500. WooHoo!! A Great Big Thanks to all of those that have contributed thus far, we are So grateful. We've had friends donate just a tad with declarations of Have A Shower On Me, and we've also had a few heartier gifts that have really amazed us. Again, thanks for all of the support, in whatever form that may be, big or small, it All means so so much. And for those of you who would like to get involved and help us continue to raise funds for Trips For Kids WNC and The Tour, click on the donate button on the right. Our goal is a great big $5000; crossing our fingers and riding hard, smiling all the way.
And speaking of Trips For Kids WNC, we wanted to share with you all a little more information on the feller that has started this non profit, Stephen Janes. I call him Captain because he is helping us steer this thing. Stephen Is Awesome. He's an orange-haired smiler, has a heart of gold, and dreams in rainbows. On the surface Stephen is quite silly and jovial, but under that cloak of playfulness he's quite serious about what he's trying to start up here.
Stephen has essentially spent his entire life working with kids. He's worked in group homes, summer camps, and in the field of children's mental health. He started TFK because he sees that there is a need for it. He wants to help at-risk youth and build their self-esteem, incorporating mentoring into his work and looking for teachable moments while out on the trail. There's no other program that he knows of at this time, in this area, that is like this. Stephen plans on connecting with local youth agencies that already work with at-risk youth in order to get his referrals; in fact he has already started this process. He has plans to start bike clubs in local school systems, has instigated and contributed to getting trails built on school properties, and has goals to reach 150 kids this year, as well as dreams of seeing TFK branch out to other cities in Western North Carolina. The ages of the youth on a TFK trip will vary from 10-17, with a three to one ratio of kids to trip leaders.

The Captain
Stephen's Words:
I have ridden a bike most of my life and accomplished some major goals, including riding from San Diego, CA to Wilmington, NC in 2001, riding the entire Blue Ridge Parkway from end to end, and completing numerous 24 hr, 12, 6 hr and hundred mile endurance races. My life’s ride has taken me around the world and I have seen some amazing things, and met some amazing people all over.
Most of my time since high school was spent working with youth of all ages coming from all different backgrounds. One thing they all have in common is the feeling they get when they achieve a goal. No matter how big or small, when they reach it, or even surpass it, the smile that spreads across their face is magnetic and the desire to set their sights higher is contagious. Without realizing it, they begin to gain self- confidence while inspiring those around them.
Lots of underprivileged kids find opportunities in their neighborhood to build their self- confidence, but the method is often self destructive. Graffiti, gang activity, negative peer pressure and more can lead to a feeling of invincibility, but always lead down the wrong path.
I am determined to provide insight, to plant a seed, to instill a dream in kids everywhere.

Rad. He's a good one ya'll.
Anyhow, that's the skinny on Captain Stephen Janes. Thanks for tuning in. Annnnd, one last reminder: for all of you lovelies that would like to follow our blog but haven't signed up yet, we'd Love to have you along for the ride. Just click the Follow button on the right; Yippee!!
Okie Dokie, that's it for now. Stay warm and dry, with your heart full of dreams...
Vicky and Dawn