Sunday, August 7, 2011

you win some, you lose some...

Well, so this is a harder blog for me to write. 

Hey there ya'll, this is Dawn.  The last month has been a difficult one for me.  I have had some family stuff come up that has been amongst some of the harder things I have been through in this life. My father passed away last month, pretty unexpectedly.  Since his passing I have gone back and forth with what to do, whether or not I should follow my heart and dream and go through with this trip, or to stop and be responsible and just let it go.  I know my dad would have wanted me to go anyways, but I do feel that sometimes we just have to let our personal desires go, sometimes there are times when it just really isn't All About Us.  There has been and will continue to be so much to take care of at this point, I Just can't conceive of taking off and leaving it all behind for my brother to be left to deal with, and for me to worry about from the road.   I know my dad would have wanted me to go, but my mind would not be peaceful, knowing of all the things I should be taking care of.  So this past week I decided not to go.  As much as this has been a dream for me for so long, it really is a relief at this point.  And this tells me I am making the right decision.  There are things here that I need to take care of.  And this is probably gonna take a while.  So it goes.

In happier news, Vicky is still determined to make this happen.  She has been training so hard lately.  I am still very very excited for her, and incredibly thankful that she has been so understanding of my decision.  Telling her I wasn't going was one of the poopier parts of this, but it makes me smile knowing she is so motivated to still go.  She is currently working on her plan, figuring out what she's gonna do, so I'm quite sure she will keep us all posted.  Vicky, you're The Best.

So.  Maybe one day I Will get to do this, but for now there is some Big Girl Stuff for me to take care of.
I hope you all are doing well and enjoying a playful summer, living vibrantly through little life adventures.
Many smiles and lots of magical wishes--

too be continued....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meeting with Stephen

Last week Dawn, Stephen Janes, and I met at Asheville Pizza to discuss our upcoming trip across the USA.  We went over some ideas concerning our touring preparations.  We all agreed that it's a good idea to do at least one "test" trip with our gear to try to iron out some of the logistics.  We are planning to ride somewhere from Asheville and do an overnight tour in the wild blue yonder.

 I've been totally consumed by  the complete remodeling of the downstairs of my house since February. Yikes, there are only a couple of months until THE TOUR.  I better get in cycling shape NOW!   More on that subject later.  Got to get to work.  Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh My Goodness

Wow.  So we have less than three months left now before our departure date.  Sneaky Sneaky, time sure is sneaky. 
Before we go any further we have to give out a coupla grand curtsies to Wade Wittman and Gore Bike Wear.  Wade is one of Liberty's fine reps and has been showering us with so much support.  We posted about the Gore Bike Wear he helped pull strings for in a previous blog entry.  Since that time we received yet another round of outfittings--more swank looking jerseys, short and long sleeved.  I think we can officially claim we will not be riding nekkid at this point. 
Last week yet another lovely brown box arrived for the two of us, this time full of Gore derailleur and brake cables.  Any body know about these things?  The patented cable coating technology of the GORE® RideOn® Cable Systems significantly lowers friction, producing quick, precise and predictable movements, and is significantly more durable.  They are high performance cable systems replacing galvanized, stainless steel, and other coated cables.  For non-bikies, this translates as being The Bomb; Yeah!!

Other news...Vicky has received a hearty donation of gear--rear panniers and a tent--which she will be borrowing for the duration of the trip.  Dawn is set to order her rear panniers by the end of the week--these mark the last significant articles of necessity.  We are hoping to get together within the week to more distinctly nail down our riding route.  We're also in talks with Captain Stephen Janes about a much needed session of What Comes Next, now that we are closing in on our departure date.  We are still enthusiastically pushing to raise funds for Trips For Kids and The Tour.  On our way, and yet still a ways to go.  Again, if you are at all interested in contributing to either of these causes, just click on the donate button to the right of this entry.  Simple, easy, fun, and all for things that are good.

Welp, that's our catch up session for now.  Way More To Come; time is knocking knocking rather loudly on our doors to the road.  Hope everyone is enjoying this sunny and green season and getting out to play as much as possible.  It's only life, after all.

For those curious on the magnificents of Gore world, check out:
Gore Bike Wear Gore Bike Wearâ„¢
Gore Ride On CablesLow Friction System

Yippee Kye Aye,
The TourinGirls

Thursday, April 28, 2011


human airplanes

Plane tickets plane tickets, we got our plane tickets, weeeee!!  The start date is now official--August 27th.  We will be flying from Asheville into Los Angeles, where we'll shack up with an old friend for the night.  We've already been in cahoots talking with a nearby bike shop, so it looks as if we'll ship our bikes to L.A., fly our happy little selves separate from the bikes, and upon an airport pickup from The Lovely Ol' Friend, we'll head straight to the bike shop to unpack the bikes and start putting them back together.  Yippee Kye Aye!!  The next morning we'll either catch a train or bus up to Santa Barbara, find the nearest ocean wave, dip the wheels in, and take off.   Zoom Zoom.
It's all getting closer and closer.

airplane noises included

In other news, Vicky and I just got our handlebar bags today, complete with map and tea cup
holders--the latter an Essential for early morning pedaling.  Gore also sent us a few more things: jerseys and shorts and rain pants; they have been so so good to us.  Our front racks are also on the way, leaving the last major equipment issue--deciding on rear panniers.

We also wanted to give a quick little thanks to our constant supporters.  Our Liberty Bicycles folks continue to check in with us and ask us how things are unfolding.  We also received some more donations on my birthday--thanks to Everyone for all the forms of support and encouragement. 

Warm breezes of spring-scented air,
Vicky and Dawn

(special thanks to photographer Coach Kevin)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gore Lovin

Ummm ummmm...another rainy day here in blooming Ashelovely.  Wildflowers and Spring Green busting at the seams, the color slowly seeping back into these mountains.  Yumma Umma; you just Gotta love this time of year.   

Anyhow.  So we have some exciting news to share...a little while back we contacted Gore Bike Wear.  We sell Gore's products at Liberty, and both of us have become huge fans.  So we kinda took a big deep breath and wrote to Gore asking if they could help us out with some apparel for our trip.  All of our fingers and toes crossed.  And then, last week, a lovely little cardboard box from Gore arrived at the shop with our names written all over it.  EEEEEeeeeehh!!  They are little precious gemstones, those Gore folk.  We are So grateful, pretty silly with excitement, and just plain happy.  We'll be spending many many mannnny hours in these clothes; what a gift to get to bike across the country in some of the most comfortable and rocking bike gear around.  Gore Bike Princesses...

Gore'd up and contemplating the way

Sporting Gore protection, Dawn gives Vicky a boost up, practicing potential dumpster diving skills to be utilized on the trip

happy riding,
Vicky and Dawn

special hugs for wade wittman :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Captain Stephen Janes and all about Trips For Kids

Gazing out the's warm here on the inside but chilly, wet, and drippy out there.  Good day for some blogtime. 

Things have been a little chaotic lately.  Vicky has been Bam Boom Ka-Cha-ing her house.  Renovations and remodeling that begins with mad demolitions and a completely altered lifestyle.  I have been packing boxes packing boxes, moving, cleaning, boxes boxes boxes.  Today is my first day in my new home, so now the process reverses, peel back the tape, pull things out of the boxes.  Domestic disarray for us both.  Foundations for something better though. 

And still the dreams of The Tour.  I am excited to share that only two weeks into this thing and we have already raised over $500.  WooHoo!!  A Great Big Thanks to all of those that have contributed thus far, we are So grateful.  We've had friends donate just a tad with declarations of Have A Shower On Me, and we've also had a few heartier gifts that have really amazed us.  Again, thanks for all of the support, in whatever form that may be, big or small, it All means so so much.  And for those of you who would like to get involved and help us continue to raise funds for Trips For Kids WNC and The Tour, click on the donate button on the right.  Our goal is a great big $5000; crossing our fingers and riding hard, smiling all the way.

And speaking of Trips For Kids WNC, we wanted to share with you all a little more information on the feller that has started this non profit, Stephen Janes.  I call him Captain because he is helping us steer this thing.  Stephen Is Awesome.  He's an orange-haired smiler, has a heart of gold, and dreams in rainbows.   On the surface Stephen is quite silly and jovial, but under that cloak of playfulness he's quite serious about what he's trying to start up here. 

Stephen has essentially spent his entire life working with kids.  He's worked in group homes, summer camps, and in the field of children's mental health.  He started TFK because he sees that there is a need for it.  He wants to help at-risk youth and build their self-esteem, incorporating mentoring into his work and looking for teachable moments while out on the trail.  There's no other program that he knows of at this time, in this area, that is like this.  Stephen plans on connecting with local youth agencies that already work with at-risk youth in order to get his referrals; in fact he has already started this process.  He has plans to start bike clubs in local school systems, has instigated and contributed to getting trails built on school properties, and has goals to reach 150 kids this year, as well as dreams of seeing TFK branch out to other cities in Western North Carolina.  The ages of the youth on a TFK trip will vary from 10-17, with a three to one ratio of kids to trip leaders. 

                                                                     The Captain
Stephen's Words:
I have ridden a bike most of my life and accomplished some major goals, including riding from San Diego, CA to Wilmington, NC in 2001, riding the entire Blue Ridge Parkway from end to end, and completing numerous 24 hr, 12, 6 hr and hundred mile endurance races. My life’s ride has taken me around the world and I have seen some amazing things, and met some amazing people all over.
Most of my time since high school was spent working with youth of all ages coming from all different backgrounds. One thing they all have in common is the feeling they get when they achieve a goal. No matter how big or small, when they reach it, or even surpass it, the smile that spreads across their face is magnetic and the desire to set their sights higher is contagious. Without realizing it, they begin to gain self- confidence while inspiring those around them.
Lots of underprivileged kids find opportunities in their neighborhood to build their self- confidence, but the method is often self destructive. Graffiti, gang activity, negative peer pressure and more can lead to a feeling of invincibility, but always lead down the wrong path.
I am determined to provide insight, to plant a seed, to instill a dream in kids everywhere.

Rad.  He's a good one ya'll. 
Anyhow, that's the skinny on Captain Stephen Janes.  Thanks for tuning in.  Annnnd, one last reminder: for all of you lovelies that would like to follow our blog but haven't signed up yet, we'd Love to have you along for the ride.  Just click the Follow button on the right; Yippee!!

Okie Dokie, that's it for now.  Stay warm and dry, with your heart full of dreams...
Vicky and Dawn

Monday, February 28, 2011

And So It Begins

Family, friends, loved ones, and sweet-hearted strangers:

It is with pride and elation that we—Vicky Camp and Dawn Cothran—announce our intentions to fundraise for the local non-profit Trips For Kids WNC by riding our bicycles across the United States this Fall.

Trips For Kids is an international organization, started in San Francisco in 1986, with the intent to share the beauty and magic of the natural world from the seat of a mountain bike with at-risk youth. The kids in this program build a newfound confidence, discover their inner strength, and celebrate personal achievement, all with the aid, encouragement, and guidance of the trip leaders and volunteers. The youth in Trips For Kids are often profoundly impacted and carry their experience with them for the rest of their lives. Trips For Kids WNC was begun November 18, 2010 by Stephen Janes, a local western North Carolina bike racer and fanatic who has worked extensively in the outdoor industry with youth. Trips For Kids WNC is currently in the start-up stage and is in need of bicycles, a trailer, and plenty of gear (especially helmets).  It is our intent to use our ride as a way to bring exposure and funding to a fantastic, life-altering organization. 

Why Are We Doing This?!

Vicky: I am planning to bicycle across the USA in celebration of my 50th birth year. I’ve been inspired by so many stories of folks who have crossed our Continent on a bicycle with the power of their own body, strong spirit, and will. This will be a test of pushing the limits of my endurance, physically and emotionally. I am hopeful to learn more about myself and about being self-sufficient.  My recent addiction to cycling began with a road trip out West about 14 years ago. My husband, Ken, 17 year-old stepson, Scott, and I decided to drive to Santa Fe, NM on a short vacation. That’s when I discovered mountain biking in the desert. Out of the blue Scott asked us if we could rent some mountain bikes and go for a ride. We stopped at a local bike shop, rented three bikes and a bike rack for the car and with minimal knowledge went to the closest trails. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Hours later we made it back to our car, dehydrated and hungry, but somehow exhilarated by the great adventure.
Dawn and I would like to share our adventure across the United States with you as we document the trip we are about to embark upon in our blog. We hope you will join us in your thoughts.

Dawn: I have been riding bikes ever since I was a wee little thing. However, it wasn’t until I went on my first mountain bike ride as an adult that I discovered the extreme excitement and bliss of flying down a mountainside, feeling entirely out of control and free.  Drool was flying down the side of my cheek as I smiled and laughed so openly, unable to shut my mouth, the charm and allure of the forest surrounding me. That’s the day I fell in love with it; I remember it very distinctively. Since then I have been fortunate to explore dirty trails both regionally close and out west, my passion fueled, fired and expanded upon. For over five years now it has been my dream to ride my bike across the U.S.  I’m looking forward to enjoying the slow beauty of our countryside, earning my way through a long honest sweat, and crossing paths with all the facets of human kindness and raw truths along the way.

We will be self-supporting, carrying all our gear and food from the coast of California to Virginia Beach, Virginia, beginning in late August of 2011. We are looking to be extremely frugal as we pedal, living off of peanut butter sandwiches and camping for free most of the time. However, we do anticipate a decent accrual of expenses. The accumulated cost of food for 6-8 weeks (likely our biggest expense!), an occasional splurge on a shower in a campground, shipping our bikes across the country, airfare, and any mechanical issues our bikes may encumber are our biggest financial concerns. We have already purchased our bikes and are writing a couple of gear companies to help us with our equipment needs.  We have decided to dedicate this ride to raise funds and awareness for Trips For Kids WNC, an organization with a will to help make this world a little bit better of a place, an organization we stand proudly and honorably behind.  If you would like to help make our trip a success, and reach our goal of raising $5000 for Trips For Kids WNC, please donate now. 

We will be updating this blog of our journey periodically until we leave and more frequently once we are on the road. We would Love for you to travel along with us here through the blog and to hear from you all along the way. Feel free to comment on our blogsite and share with us your thoughts and wisdoms. If there is something extremely personal you want to share with us we can also be reached at  There will also be a link to our blog through the Liberty Bikes website, our current employer and supporter. Liberty was begun over 30 years ago by Mike and Claudia Nix out of their basement. Though the shop has certainly expanded beyond the Nix's basement, Mike and Claudia are still the current owners of the shop. They both currently spend a large chunk of their free time doing advocacy work for bicycles, city-wide bike lanes and greenways, and bicycle education and awareness in the area. Liberty is an award-winning bike shop with national recognition.

In closing we just wanted to share that we feel it truly is the heart and soul of folks like you that make the change and good in this world manifest. Thanks for any and all that you can give to Trips For Kids WNC and The Tour, however small or hearty.

Many Smiles and Much Gratitude,
Vicky Camp
Dawn Cothran

the 520s